Archived entries for audio
Chris Kubick
Language Removal Services
What you get after the language is gone are breaths, sighs and mouth sounds.
Sophie Dyer & Sasha Engelmann
‘radio fossil’
Peter Vogel
The Sound of Shadows
Interactive Sound Art
Mechanical instruments arranged on a wide plinth and
are triggered electro-mechanically through photo cells.
The shadows of the illuminated instruments are projected against a wall.
Technical Earth
Mo H. Zareei and Jim Murphy
Explores the combination and interaction of waveforms in one medium with those of another.
Matteo Crivella
“Markov Decisions” is a Generative Audio System that combines
stochastic processes and sonic behaviors of matter.
Martin Molin
Wintergatan – Marble Machine
open share
Karl Klomp
hyperkinetic audio visuals
video circuit bending, video interruption, hardware interfacing and programming
Carsten Nicolai
unicolor 2014
“the installation unicolor examines the psychology of color perception..”
Adam Brown
Records and Tapes which Do Things
Buncefield Records and Tapes is an independent record label which releases photographs.
Daniel Watkins
All My Friends
A sonification project in which I acquired portraits of my friends, and used the raw JPEG data to convert the images to piano music. The music is then dubbed on to cassette tapes which are then arranged to add a sculptural element to the project.
Jacob Kirkegaard
London Subterraneous
takes the work of seventeenth century alchemist and scientist Athanasius Kircher as inspiration. Kircher was a polymath and inventor, who researched fields as diverse as medicine and Egyptology, and designed and constructed wondrous sound and vision automatons.
Ernst Chladni
Was one of the pioneers of experimental acoustics. His research on different kinds of vibrations served as the basis for the scientific understanding of sound that later emerged in the 19th century.
Marco Fusinato
Marco Fusinato. Mass Black Implosion (Shaar, Iannis Xenakis). 2012
To make these drawings Fusinato chose a point on the page and then ruled a line from every note in the composition back to that point.
Pauline Saglio
Rewind is a digital clock collection designed to revive a physical link with the reading of the time that has become pervasive and unconscious since the digital revolution.
Perfect Harmony
Audio Visual
1. Place an amplifier and a slide projector directly facing each other.
2. Fill the slide projectors carousal full of slides taken of the amplifier.
3. Run a microphone from the amplifier and place it on the top of the slide carousal.
4. Turn the amplifier on full volume and the slide projector on constant projection.
The slide projector will project the amplifier at the amplifier,
and the amplifier will project the sound of the slide projector at the slide projector.
The sound and visual function in perfect harmony.
Daniel Eatock
Rudolph Koenig
Koenig’s Manometric Flame Apparatus
was a laboratory instrument invented in 1862
used to visualize sound waves
Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light
from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound.
Small bubbles would emit flashes of light in ways that could only be termed ‘aces’
Stan Shaff
“I ask listeners to see with their ears and feel with their bodies
sounds as images, dreams and memories.
As people walk into a work, they become part of its realization.
From entrance to exit, AUDIUM is a sound-space continuum.”